Role Graphic Designer
For Speculative Design studio, Bezalel
Date September 2015
Type Book Design
There is a magic moment, one we don’t acknowledge much. its the second before we have the correct answer, the second before we see the solution clearly, its the second where our body is full of adrenaline. At that specific moment were in the grey zone. I once thought that I should know everything in advanced, I should see clearly what the future will bring me but forgot tha creativity is driven from those grey zone.
A memo for 2061 is a book I created in order to remind myself how beautiful these moments are, 200 pages of black and white not-focused pictures which I took over the past 10 years, these photos were kept in folder named: “not good/not focused/trash” etc. accompanied with the short essay “The Aesthetics of Chance” by Margaret Iverson, this will be the best reminder for me to search for these grey zones and not be compromised or mislead by the beauty of the determinism of black and white.
Book 320 pages / 10X16 CM / Perfect Binding
A memo for 2061 is a book I created in order to remind myself how beautiful these moments are, 200 pages of black and white not-focused pictures which I took over the past 10 years, these photos were kept in folder named: “not good/not focused/trash” etc. accompanied with the short essay “The Aesthetics of Chance” by Margaret Iverson, this will be the best reminder for me to search for these grey zones and not be compromised or mislead by the beauty of the determinism of black and white.
Book 320 pages / 10X16 CM / Perfect Binding